

几个月前一位朋友/亲戚告诉我, " 无论你的妈妈对你是什么样子,您应该仍然感恩她对你的帮忙." 
我体会一件事。 我在我的部落格里有太多怨言(在真正的生活中也是)!! 
那不是我开始这个博克的原因! 当我开始这个博克,我想与世界分享我的国外的经验, 而不是我的生活有多忧郁!! 
这是非常真的。 生活无论有多坚难,怨言不会使它更好。 赞赏生活却会将使生活更加美好!! 
所以我部落格新的方向就是更多关于我美好的生活, 过去, 现在 和未来!!

A new direction for the 2011

A friend/relative told me this couple months ago, " no matter how your mom is like, you should still appreciate her help." 

With that statement, I realized one thing. I have complaint way too much on my blog ( and in real life as well)!! 

That was not the reason I started this blog!! 

When I started this blog, I wanted to share my overseas experiences with the world, and not just share how blue my days were!! 

I thank you for that advice. It is very true. No matter how tough life is, complaint will not make it better. Appreciate life will make life more beautiful!! 

so the new direction for my blog is that you will read more about how my wonderful my life was, is and will be!!

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  • http://how2love4ever.blogspot.com
  • http://meandparenting.blogspot.com